1984 году те места посетила экспедиция, имеющая цель найти и изучить
«Чертово кладбище». «Перешли сухой ручей, затем ручей, на котором
мельница стоит. Сразу за ним начинается подъем на хребет. Перевалив
через него, пошли на спуск (прошли около километра), путь преградил
завал. Перед завалом тропа в обход. От обходной тропы влево отходит
хорошо набитая тропа. Пройдя по ней около километра, с правой страны
увидели просвет, сходный с просветом от выруба. Это и есть «Чертово
кладбище». Вокруг поляны - заросли кукушника... Сама поляна - около 100
метров, не круглая, а скорее Г - образная. На золотистого цвета
поверхности земли растет редкий разноцветный мох, очень редкий и мелкий.
Сразу за поляной угадывается какой-то ручей - очевидно, приток реки
Камкамборы... Само место расположено на небольшой возвышенности. От
«Чертова кладбища до Карамышева не более полутора часов ходу».
сожалению, экспедиции 1984 года не удалось добраться до цели.
Состоялась ли экспедиция на следующий год, что она принесла, материалов
об этом в печати пока не появилось. По крайней мере, у всех участников
первой экспедиции возникла твердая уверенность, что «Чертово кладбище»
существовало, по крайней мере, в 1952 году. Есть ли оно сейчас - судя по
приведенному рассказу, его активность угасает - на пустой, прежде,
земле уже растет трава, да и размеры ее стали в два раза меньше, чем в
двадцатых годах...
Петрович Чеха, кандидат геолого-минералогических наук, высказал
предположение, что в случае подземного пожара в тайге могла образоваться
«горячая» поляна, нечто вроде большой сковородки. Подземный пожар в
тайге вполне возможен. Только горел здесь скорее всего каменный уголь.
На геологической карте района отмечены его выходы на поверхность. И
вообще на Тунгусском плато обнаружены несметные топливные богатства,
которые пока не разрабатываются. Ведь когда жара убавилась и пошли
дожди, пожар угас сам по себе, а по весне поляна заросла травой. И
теперь этой поляны, как ни ищи, не найти. Не исключено, конечно, новое
потепление угольных пластов, и там, где этот процесс будет происходить,
могут образоваться новые выгоревшие пятна, но только не «чертовы
кладбища». Однако для этого необходимо стечение, так сказать, многих
обстоятельств, что случается не часто.
Но почему в районе
«кладбища» с людьми происходили странные вещи: начинаются головные боли,
постепенно одолевает чувство страха...Горение угля может сопровождаться
выделением газа и других соединений,— продолжил Виталий Петрович.—
Если, например, полежать возле такого места, можно запросто «угореть», а
уж самочувствие у тех, кто находится в зоне большого подземного пожара,
наверняка будет неважное, и страх, естественно, будет...
А. и С.
Симоновы так объяснили особенности "поляны смерти". Любое животное
подвергается на ней действию переменного магнитного поля. Из биологии
известно, что существует предел для значений электротока, проходящего
через кровь, при превышении которого она свертывается - происходит
"электрокоагуляция". У животных, погибших на "поляне", внутренности были
красного цвета, что говорит об усилении капиллярного кровообращения
перед гибелью. А смерть наступала в результате массового
тромбообразования. Концепция переменного магнитного поля на "поляне"
очень многое объясняет: мгновенность воздействия, влияние даже на
подстреленных птиц и т.д.

Devil's cemetery (Devil's Glade) - an abnormal zone in Krasnoyarsk Krai. This name is confused often to "A devil's glade" or even share these concepts though it is about same.
It is located approximately in 400 km to the South from a place of explosion of the Tungus body and probably connected with this phenomenon. The unclear nature of radiation on a glade the trees growing around oppress, cause headaches, sensation of fear in people and frighten off animals.
Eyewitnesses noted that on the glade of the T-shaped or round form only not decaying corpses of the cows who carelessly came here lie. Here their stories.
"On the naked earth bones and carcasses of taiga animals and even birds were seen. And the branches of trees which hung over a glade were charred, as from the close fire... The dogs who visited "A devil's cemetery" only a minute ceased to eat, became sluggish and soon died".
"That year, (probably, the end of the twentieth - the beginning of the thirtieth years) when there were described events, in Angara there was not enough water, and there was a need to overtake collective-farm herd a taiga to Bratsk. Usually delivery of meat to the state was carried out the waterway, that year it was impracticable. For the purpose of reduction of a stage the way from the village of Kova along the small river of the same name through small villages Uyar and Karamyshevo was chosen - so to Bratsk is twice closer, than on the coast of Angara. The main task of conductors was to save herd from the most dangerous being of a taiga - from a midge. If mosquitoes are afraid of a smoke, the midge in pre-war time could be driven away only tar which if to use it often, in blood corrodes leather of animals. Therefore parking were long, it is obligatory near water. In the evenings, before dark, the herd stood in water, next morning, on dew, the midge didn't wake up yet, dispersed on searches of food.
Once, when drivers were already going to turn to the east, to Angara, when checking herd there were no two cows. The assumption that they were lifted up by a bear, disappeared - dogs behaved quietly. And wolves in those regions wasn't found. Two of team of drivers, including the story-teller, moved off in searches. After a while they heard disturbing bark of the dogs who escaped forward, and, under way charging guns, hurried in the same direction. What their surprise when before them the pure, round glade which is absolutely deprived of any vegetation opened was. Dogs who already ran out on the black earth with the scared squeal, having put the tail between the legs, turned back. And at distance of 15-20 meters from the last trees, on naked as if to a scorched earth corpses of missing of animals lay.
The incident stunned drivers. And the senior, skilled hunter who was perfectly knowing a local taiga appears, already heard about this place. "Probably, it "The devil's cemetery" - was told by him, - it is impossible to Come nearer to the naked earth - there death".
Really, round, about 200... 250 meters in the diameter, the glade, installed horror: on the naked earth bones and carcasses of taiga animals and even birds were seen here and there. And the branches of trees which hung over a glade were charred, as from the close fire.The senior hurried to leave from a godforsaken place. And they left, without having found out why all perishes live on this strange earth. The releases of gases typical in marshlands, it wasn't felt here. The dogs who were on "A devil's cemetery" only one minute ceased, is, became sluggish and soon died."
There is also other message on existence of "godforsaken place" in the valley of the river of Kova.
Upstream Kova there is "godforsaken place": there animals, for example, the cattle which incidentally got there perish. And even birds. The lost cows are dragged out from a glade - and on it also the grass - hooks on ropes doesn't grow: all are afraid, you will step into a place where they were lost. At dead cows unusually red meat - the hunter claimed that never such saw. He was ready to see off doctors to a disastrous glade - there was it all at distance of 7-8 kilometers from the village. However the military situation didn't allow doctors to visit there, they were overloaded with work.
In 1984 those places were visited by the expedition aiming to find and study "A devil's cemetery". "Passed a dry stream, then a stream on which the mill costs. At once behind it rise on a spine begins. Having passed through it, went for descent (passed about a kilometer), the way blocked a blockage. Before a blockage a track around. Well filled track departs from a roundabout track to the left. Having passed on it about a kilometer, from the right country saw the gleam similar to a gleam from a vyrub. It is also "A devil's cemetery". Round a glade - a thicket of a kukushnik... The glade - about 100 meters, not round, and it is rather - figurative. On golden color of a surface of the earth the rare multi-colored moss, very rare and small grows. At once behind a glade some stream - obviously, inflow of the river of Kamkambora is guessed... The place is located on a small height. From "Devil's cemeteries to Karamyshev no more than one and a half hours to the course".
Unfortunately, expedition of 1984 didn't manage to reach the purpose. Whether expedition the next year took place that it brought, materials about it wasn't published yet. At least, all participants of the first expedition had a strong confidence that "The devil's cemetery" existed, at least, in 1952. Whether there is it now - judging by the provided story, its activity dies away - on the empty, before, earth the grass and the sizes of its steel twice smaller, than in the twenties already grows...
In 1984 those places were visited by the expedition aiming to find and study "A devil's cemetery". "Passed a dry stream, then a stream on which the mill costs. At once behind it rise on a spine begins. Having passed through it, went for descent (passed about a kilometer), the way blocked a blockage. Before a blockage a track around. Well filled track departs from a roundabout track to the left. Having passed on it about a kilometer, from the right country saw the gleam similar to a gleam from a vyrub. It is also "A devil's cemetery". Round a glade - a thicket of a kukushnik...The glade - about 100 meters, not round, and it is rather - figurative. On golden color of a surface of the earth the rare multi-colored moss, very rare and small grows. At once behind a glade some stream - obviously, inflow of the river of Kamkambora is guessed... The place is located on a small height. From "Devil's cemeteries to Karamyshev no more than one and a half hours to the course".
Unfortunately, expedition of 1984 didn't manage to reach the purpose. Whether expedition the next year took place that it brought, materials about it wasn't published yet. At least, all participants of the first expedition had a strong confidence that "The devil's cemetery" existed, at least, in 1952. Whether there is it now - judging by the provided story, its activity dies away - on the empty, before, earth the grass and the sizes of its steel twice smaller, than in the twenties already grows...
Vitaly Petrovich Chekha, the candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, suggested that in case of the underground fire in a taiga the "hot" glade, something like a big frying pan could be formed. The underground fire in a taiga is quite possible. Only coal burned here most likely. Its exits to a surface are marked on the geological map of the area. And in general on the Tungus plateau infinite fuel riches which aren't developed yet are found. After all when the heat was lowered and rains went, the fire died away in itself, and on spring the glade grassed. And now this glade as look for not to find. New warming of coal layers and where this process will happen isn't excluded, of course, the new burned-out spots, but only not "devil's cemeteries" can be formed. However the confluence, so to speak, of many circumstances that happens not often for this purpose is necessary.
But why around "cemetery" to people there were strange things: headaches begin, gradually overcomes sensation of fear... Burning of coal can be followed by liberation of gas and other connections — Vitaly Petrovich continued. — If, for example, to lie near such place, it is possible "to get poisoned by fumes" easily, and those who is in a zone of the heavy underground fire, for certain will have an unimportant health, and the fear, naturally, will be...
And. and S. Simonova so explained features of "a death glade". Any animal is affected on it by a variation magnetic field. From biology it is known that there is a limit for values of the current passing through blood at which excess she curls up - there is "electrocoagulation". The animals who were lost on "glade", had interiors of red color that speaks about strengthening of capillary blood circulation before death. And the death was caused by a mass tromboobrazovaniye. The concept of a variation magnetic field on "glade" explains a lot of things: instantaneousness of influence, influence even on the winged birds, etc.