Государственный музей Аушвиц-Биркенау в Освенциме можно назвать
настоящим символом человеческой жестокости. Здесь, в южной части Польши,
в 60 километрах от города Краков, в годы Второй мировой войны находился
самый известный концентрационный лагерь мира.
Собственно, лагерей в этом районе три — Аушвиц 1, Аушвиц 2 (он же
Освенцим или Биркенау) и Аушвиц 3. Посетить бывший концлагерь,
превращенный в музей, можно несколькими способами. Например, отправиться
в Краков и воспользоваться услугами туристических компаний, которые
организовывают подобные туры. В таком случае микроавтобус заберет вас
прямо у отеля и доставит обратно, однако время экскурсии будет
ограничено и вам придется придерживаться установленного графика.
Можно отправиться в музей Аушвиц-Биркенау самостоятельно на автомобиле. Дорога от Кракова займет около часа. Парковка около бывшего концлагеря платная. Ходят к Национальному музею и электрички, и автобусные маршруты из Кракова.

Вход на территорию Освенцима бесплатный, заплатить придется только за
услуги гида. В период наибольшего наплыва туристов — с мая по октябрь —
самостоятельные прогулки по музею запрещены, только в составе
экскурсионной группы. Всем посетителям выдаются наушники, в которых они
слышат голос гида. Экскурсии проводятся на шести языках.

На территории бывших концлагерей сохранились ворота со знаменитой
табличкой «Труд освобождает», бараки с деревянными нарами, мрачные
стоячие камеры, где заключенным приходилось даже спать стоя, газовые
камеры, дорожки, огражденные колючей проволокой, закрытый двор со стеной
для расстрелов и многое другое. Атмосфера в Освенциме, безусловно,
мрачная. Однако многие едут сюда, чтобы почтить память родственников,
погибших во время войны именно в этом страшном месте, а также увидеть
своими глазами, насколько масштабной может быть человеческая жестокость.
It is possible to call the state museum Auschwitz-Birkenau in Auschwitz the real symbol of human cruelty. Here, in the southern part of Poland, in 60 kilometers from the city of Krakow, in the years of World War II there was the most known concentration camp of the world.
Actually, camps in this area three — Auschwitz 1, Auschwitz 2 (it is Auschwitz or Birkenau) and Auschwitz 3. To visit the former concentration camp turned into the museum it is possible in several ways. For example, to go to Krakow and to use services of travel agencies which organize similar rounds. In that case the minibus will take away you directly from hotel and will deliver back, however time of excursion will be limited and you should adhere to the established schedule. It is possible to go to the museum Auschwitz-Birkenau independently on the car. The road from Krakow will take about an hour. A parking about the former concentration camp the paid. Both electric trains, and bus routes from Krakow go to the National museum.
Entrance on the territory of Auschwitz free, it is necessary to pay only for services of the guide. During the greatest flow of tourists — from May to October — independent walks on the museum are forbidden, only as a part of excursion group. To all visitors earphones in which they hear a voice of the guide are given. Tours are conducted in six languages.
In the territory of the former concentration camps gate with the well-known plate "Remained work releases", barracks with wooden plank beds, gloomy standing cameras where it was necessary to prisoners even it being necessary to sleep, the gas chambers, paths protected with a barbed wire, the closed yard with a wall for executions and many other things. The atmosphere in Auschwitz, certainly, the gloomy. However many go here to honor memory of the relatives who were lost during war in this terrible place and also to see with own eyes, human cruelty can be how large-scale.

Можно отправиться в музей Аушвиц-Биркенау самостоятельно на автомобиле. Дорога от Кракова займет около часа. Парковка около бывшего концлагеря платная. Ходят к Национальному музею и электрички, и автобусные маршруты из Кракова.




It is possible to call the state museum Auschwitz-Birkenau in Auschwitz the real symbol of human cruelty. Here, in the southern part of Poland, in 60 kilometers from the city of Krakow, in the years of World War II there was the most known concentration camp of the world.
Actually, camps in this area three — Auschwitz 1, Auschwitz 2 (it is Auschwitz or Birkenau) and Auschwitz 3. To visit the former concentration camp turned into the museum it is possible in several ways. For example, to go to Krakow and to use services of travel agencies which organize similar rounds. In that case the minibus will take away you directly from hotel and will deliver back, however time of excursion will be limited and you should adhere to the established schedule. It is possible to go to the museum Auschwitz-Birkenau independently on the car. The road from Krakow will take about an hour. A parking about the former concentration camp the paid. Both electric trains, and bus routes from Krakow go to the National museum.
Entrance on the territory of Auschwitz free, it is necessary to pay only for services of the guide. During the greatest flow of tourists — from May to October — independent walks on the museum are forbidden, only as a part of excursion group. To all visitors earphones in which they hear a voice of the guide are given. Tours are conducted in six languages.
In the territory of the former concentration camps gate with the well-known plate "Remained work releases", barracks with wooden plank beds, gloomy standing cameras where it was necessary to prisoners even it being necessary to sleep, the gas chambers, paths protected with a barbed wire, the closed yard with a wall for executions and many other things. The atmosphere in Auschwitz, certainly, the gloomy. However many go here to honor memory of the relatives who were lost during war in this terrible place and also to see with own eyes, human cruelty can be how large-scale.