Здание было построено в 1898—1899 годах. Освящено 23 января 1900 года. Заказчиком строительства выступил одесский купец первой гильдии Моисей Яковлевич Менделевич.
Авторами проекта были архитекторы Лев Влодек (руководитель группы) и Товий Фишель, скульптор Самуил Мильман. Скульптурная группа сохранилась не в первоначальном виде по причине пожара 31 октября 1901 года, уничтожившего её часть и башенку над главным входом, на углу улиц Преображенская и Дерибасовская, и более не восстановленные. Основными фигурами группы являются Меркурий и Фортуна, неоднократно повторяющиеся в элементах декора.
На момент сдачи в эксплуатацию «Пассаж» был оборудован по наиболее современным на тот момент стандартам — электрическое освещение, которое обеспечивалось собственной электростанцией, паровое отопление, телефоны, лифт. В гостинице насчитывалось 162 комфортабельных номера.
"Passage" is constructed on a historical place — initial structures belonged to two Russian officers who received a site under building at the end of the XVIII century and bought under construction of the profitable house in 1822 by the businessman M. A. Kramarev. The house was built in the forties the XIX century. In Kramarev's house the brother of the famous Russian poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin — Lev Sergeyevich serving as the official at the Odessa customs lodged. L. S. Pushkin in Kramarev's house was visited by representatives of intellectual elite of the city, eminent visitors, including the writer Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol. Long time the house belonged to a collegiate asessorsha Anna Sinitsyna at whom M. Ya. Mendelevich — the merchant of the first guild, the head of the export company which was engaged in grain trade got it for demolition and construction on its place of "Passage". Mendelevich owned in Odessa several structures, however "Passage" immortalized his name as inhabitants of Odessa and city visitors began to call this mall "Mendelevich's Passage".
The building was built in 1898 — 1899. It is consecrated on January 23, 1900. As the customer of construction the Odessa merchant of the first guild Moisey Yakovlevich Mendelevich acted.
Architects Lev Vlodek (the head of group) and Tovy Fishel, the sculptor Samuil Milman were authors of the project. The sculptural group remained not in an original form for a cause of the fire on October 31, 1901, destroyed its part and a turret over a main entrance, at the corner of streets Preobrazhenskiy and Deribasovsky, and any more not restored. The main figures of group are Mercury and Fortuna who is repeatedly repeating in decor elements.
At the time of commissioning "Passage" was equipped on the most modern at that time to standards — electric lighting which was provided with own power plant, steam heating, phones, the elevator. In hotel 162 comfortable numbers were.
The name of the building — "Passage" in one of versions of the translation from French means "a corridor on which both parties shops are located". After completion of construction "Passage" represented new type of shopping center. The first floors of the building are initially equipped as trade places. Before construction of "Passage" similar shopping centers in Odessa were built by reorganization of malls in one or two floors bordering the city markets.