Бразилию и Аргентину разделяют реки Игуасу и Парана, воды которых,
встречаясь, стремительно падают вниз со множества скальных уступов,
образовывая целую серию великолепных, захватывающих дух водопадов.
Это уникальное зрелище. Индейцы, наблюдающие его испокон веков, дали
ему название «игуасу» – дословно «большая вода». Первым европейцем,
упомянувшем о водопаде в своих рассказах, был испанский конкистадор дон
Альваро Нуньес Касесо де Вака. Он обнаружил его в джунглях в 1541 году.
Игуасу состоит из 275 водопадов, общей шириной более 3 км, а высота падения воды в отдельных случаях достигает 82 м. Это существенно превышает параметры известных водопадов Виктория и Ниагарского. Шум, распространяемый водной мощью, слышен за 20-25 км. Не зря Игуасу считается восьмым чудом света. Это мировая достопримечательность, куда ежегодно съезжаются десятки тысяч туристов.
Для путешественников здесь все условия. Поскольку находятся водопады
на границе, то осматривать их можно и с Аргентинской и с Бразильской
стороны. Обе страны объявили земли, прилегающие к Игуасу, национальными
парками, и попасть к водопадам можно только через них, попутно осмотрев
красивейшую окружающую природу и тропическую растительность.
Разместиться приезжие могут в неподалеку расположенных городах:
Пуэрто-Игуасу в Аргентине и Фос-ду-Игуасу в Бразилии. Выбор жилья
предоставляется на любой вкус – от самых простых и недорогих вариантов
до пятизвездочных отелей. Некоторые гостиницы находятся у самой границы
тропического леса. Таким образом, покинув корпус, вы погрузитесь в
уникальную атмосферу первозданности и природной чистоты.
Brazil and Argentina are divided by the rivers Iguazu and Parana which waters, meeting, promptly fall from a set of rocky ledges down, forming the whole series of the magnificent, capturing spirit falls.
This unique show. The Indians observing it from time immemorial gave it the name "Iguazu" – literally "high water". The Spanish conquistador Don Alvaro Núnez Caseso de Vaca was the first European, mentioned falls in the stories. He found it in the jungle in 1541.
Iguazu consists of 275 falls, with a general width more than 3 km, and water falling height in some cases reaches 82 m. It significantly exceeds parameters of known Victoria Falls and Niagara. The noise extended by water power is audible for 20-25 km. Not for nothing Iguazu is considered the eighth wonder of the world. It is world sight where tens of thousands of tourists annually gather.
For travelers here all conditions. As there are falls on border, it is possible to examine them both with Argentina and from the Brazilian party. Both countries declared the lands adjacent to Iguazu, national parks, and it is possible to get to falls only through them, having in passing examined the most beautiful surrounding nature and tropical vegetation.
Some options of excursions are offered to visitors. First of all, it is the foot path rising up and passing through numerous observation platforms. At top, at the end of a footpath, the gift shop and the best observation post settles down, the view of the most interesting and most effective site of falls – to "The Drink of the Devil" from where opens. Acquaintance to falls and from air – helicopter excursions is possible. They last a little more than half an hour and pass over falls, the city and power plant to Itayp. The hydroelectric power station represents not less grandiose show – tons of water collapse from a dam in lock gate. For the most courageous excursions down the river are offered. Boats swim up to the canyon, pass under some falls – unforgettable enthusiastic feelings! Many tourists try to take part in all options and come back to falls again and again fully to feel all greatness of Iguazu.
Visitors can accommodate in nearby the located cities: Puerto-Iguazu in Argentina and Fos-du-Iguazu in Brazil. The choice of housing is provided for every taste – from the simplest and inexpensive options to five-stars hotels. Some hotels are at the border of a rainforest. Thus, having left the case, you plunge into the unique atmosphere of pristineness and natural purity.

Игуасу состоит из 275 водопадов, общей шириной более 3 км, а высота падения воды в отдельных случаях достигает 82 м. Это существенно превышает параметры известных водопадов Виктория и Ниагарского. Шум, распространяемый водной мощью, слышен за 20-25 км. Не зря Игуасу считается восьмым чудом света. Это мировая достопримечательность, куда ежегодно съезжаются десятки тысяч туристов.


Brazil and Argentina are divided by the rivers Iguazu and Parana which waters, meeting, promptly fall from a set of rocky ledges down, forming the whole series of the magnificent, capturing spirit falls.
This unique show. The Indians observing it from time immemorial gave it the name "Iguazu" – literally "high water". The Spanish conquistador Don Alvaro Núnez Caseso de Vaca was the first European, mentioned falls in the stories. He found it in the jungle in 1541.
Iguazu consists of 275 falls, with a general width more than 3 km, and water falling height in some cases reaches 82 m. It significantly exceeds parameters of known Victoria Falls and Niagara. The noise extended by water power is audible for 20-25 km. Not for nothing Iguazu is considered the eighth wonder of the world. It is world sight where tens of thousands of tourists annually gather.
For travelers here all conditions. As there are falls on border, it is possible to examine them both with Argentina and from the Brazilian party. Both countries declared the lands adjacent to Iguazu, national parks, and it is possible to get to falls only through them, having in passing examined the most beautiful surrounding nature and tropical vegetation.
Some options of excursions are offered to visitors. First of all, it is the foot path rising up and passing through numerous observation platforms. At top, at the end of a footpath, the gift shop and the best observation post settles down, the view of the most interesting and most effective site of falls – to "The Drink of the Devil" from where opens. Acquaintance to falls and from air – helicopter excursions is possible. They last a little more than half an hour and pass over falls, the city and power plant to Itayp. The hydroelectric power station represents not less grandiose show – tons of water collapse from a dam in lock gate. For the most courageous excursions down the river are offered. Boats swim up to the canyon, pass under some falls – unforgettable enthusiastic feelings! Many tourists try to take part in all options and come back to falls again and again fully to feel all greatness of Iguazu.
Visitors can accommodate in nearby the located cities: Puerto-Iguazu in Argentina and Fos-du-Iguazu in Brazil. The choice of housing is provided for every taste – from the simplest and inexpensive options to five-stars hotels. Some hotels are at the border of a rainforest. Thus, having left the case, you plunge into the unique atmosphere of pristineness and natural purity.