Во время паводка 1980 года Фазанник был полностью разрушен, а его кровлю унесло потоком аж к критскому лабиринту. Восстановлен Фазанник был в том же году по чертежам института "Укрпроектреставрация".
The round pavilion to the left of Fetida's grotto is called as Fazannik. It is constructed of large oak columns and inlaid with bark of an oak, a maple and ash-tree. In the central part of pavilion the round pool with the fountain is arranged. Water is brought to the fountain on the pipeline from the Top pond, height стрй the fountain reaches 3-3.5 meters. For certain it isn't known, whether kept in it sometime pheasants. In the description of park C. The thunder-storm, for example, calls it "a round wire cage where the gentle cooing of turtle-doves has something in common with hubbub of the falling water of the fountain which beats under the ceiling".
During a flood of 1980 Fazannik was completely destroyed, and his roof carried away a stream already to a kritsky labyrinth. Fazannik the same year according to drawings of Ukrproyektrestavration institute was restored.
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