Прогулка по лесу

вулканическая. По дороге можно нередко встретить застывшие черные валуны
лавы. Трудно представить, что когда то эта глыба летела с вершины
вулкана с огромной скоростью и была раскалена до трех тысяч градусов, а
теперь она смиренно лежит в лесу покрытая плесенью.
на Реюньоне особенный. Ветры - пассаты, которые называют ализеями, дуют
только с востока. Из за высоких вулканических хребтов, западная часть
острова не обдувается ветрами и представляет собой типичную саванну.
Распределение осадков так же необычно: на востоке климат сырой, а на
западе сухо.
Сладкая жизнь на пороховой бочке
горы острова Реюньон известны
своими извержениями. Последнее извержение
августа 2004 года длилось 2 месяца! Компенсацией за дискомфорт, местным
жителям послужили 4 гектара суши, добавленных к острову после
вулканических выбросов. Когда со всех сторон бескрайний океан - каждый
кусочек суши – благодать. Нрав самого же океана суров и неспокоен. В
зимние периоды и налетает на остров с огромной скоростью в 250км/ч!
Однако жители научились строить свои сооружения на берегах таким
образом, что - бы бурный океан не смог их разрушить, и после того, как
вода уходит обратно в океан, стены домов подсыхают и снова выглядят как
Когда природные страсти
угасают, Реюньонцы продолжают свою размеренную жизнь. Они производят
тростниковый сахар и ром, пьют ликеры и сладкое вино из запрещенного во
Франции винограда сорта Изабелла. Электричество на острове, в основном,
получается путем солнечных батарей, а обустройство жилья современной
сантехникой, европейского уровня – необходимое условие жизни.
Охота на беглых рабов
времена, когда остров Реюньон активно заселялся французскими
колонистами, туда попадали подневольные рабы, привезенные колонистами
для работы. Сосланные в чужие места на каторжный физический труд, люди,
зачатую, не могли смириться с такой горькой участью и решались на
бегство в местные горы. Так на острове возникала особая группа жителей,
бывших невольников. По "Черному" законодательству пойманного беглеца
калечили, а в случае второй попытки бегства - убивали. Со временем эта
община разрасталась. По некоторым данным в бегство обращались 6%


On tourist tracks, in the dense woods of Reunion reference points, bright yellow pegs with indexes are placed. The probability to get lost in such to the wood is minimum. It won't be simple to meet dangerous predators too as locals don't disdain everything that runs, creeps and flies. From constantly absorbed flora and fauna untouched are one hedgehogs. On them in those places the official season of hunting - from November to April is determined.
District volcanic. On the road it is possible to meet quite often stiffened black boulders of a lava. It is difficult to present that when that this block flied from volcano top with a huge speed and was heated to three thousand degrees, and now it submissively lies in the wood mouldy.
Climate on Reunion the special. Winds - trade winds which call alizeyam, blow only from the East. Because of high volcanic ridges, the western part of the island isn't blown by winds and represents the typical savanna. Distribution of rainfall also unusually: in the east climate crude, and in the West it is dry.
Dolce vita on a powder keg
The Vulkanisty mountains of Reunion Island are known for the eruptions. The last eruption of August, 2004 lasted 2 months! Compensation for discomfort, locals were served by 4 hectares of the sushi added to the island after volcanic outbursts. When from all directions the boundless ocean - each slice of sushi – good fortune. Temper of the ocean is severe and restless. During the winter periods also flies on the island with a huge speed in 250km/h! However inhabitants learned to build the constructions on coast in such a way that - the rough ocean couldn't destroy them and after water goes back to the ocean, walls of houses dry up and again look as newcomers.
When natural passions die away, Reyunyontsa continue the measured life. They make cane sugar and rum, drink liqueurs and sweet wine from the grade grapes forbidden in France Isabella. The electricity on the island, generally turns out by solar batteries, and arrangement of housing modern bathroom equipment, the European level – a necessary condition of life.
Hunting for fluent slaves
In times when Reunion Island actively became populated by the French colonists, the dependent slaves brought by colonists for work got there. Banished in others places on hard physical work, people, conceived, couldn't reconcile to such bitter fate and decided on flight to local mountains. So on the island there was a special group of inhabitants, former slaves. By the "Black" legislation of the caught fugitive crippled, and in case of the second attempt of flight - killed. Over time this community expanded. According to some information 6% of visitors left.
Thus, by 1725 slaves even tried to take Mauritius! Fugitives launched the real guerrilla war against the Dutch and French planters, and those in turn suited round-ups in mountains and subjected caught to infernal tortures. Fortunately, shortly, cancellation of slavery put an end to hunting for people.
The Vulkanisty mountains of Reunion Island are known for the eruptions. The last eruption of August, 2004 lasted 2 months! Compensation for discomfort, locals were served by 4 hectares of the sushi added to the island after volcanic outbursts. When from all directions the boundless ocean - each slice of sushi – good fortune. Temper of the ocean is severe and restless. During the winter periods also flies on the island with a huge speed in 250km/h! However inhabitants learned to build the constructions on coast in such a way that - the rough ocean couldn't destroy them and after water goes back to the ocean, walls of houses dry up and again look as newcomers.
When natural passions die away, Reyunyontsa continue the measured life. They make cane sugar and rum, drink liqueurs and sweet wine from the grade grapes forbidden in France Isabella. The electricity on the island, generally turns out by solar batteries, and arrangement of housing modern bathroom equipment, the European level – a necessary condition of life.
Hunting for fluent slaves
In times when Reunion Island actively became populated by the French colonists, the dependent slaves brought by colonists for work got there. Banished in others places on hard physical work, people, conceived, couldn't reconcile to such bitter fate and decided on flight to local mountains. So on the island there was a special group of inhabitants, former slaves. By the "Black" legislation of the caught fugitive crippled, and in case of the second attempt of flight - killed. Over time this community expanded. According to some information 6% of visitors left.
Thus, by 1725 slaves even tried to take Mauritius! Fugitives launched the real guerrilla war against the Dutch and French planters, and those in turn suited round-ups in mountains and subjected caught to infernal tortures. Fortunately, shortly, cancellation of slavery put an end to hunting for people.
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