Крепость Обидуш – историко-архитектурный памятник, расположенный в
одноименном городе-крепости округа Лейрия, в Португалии. Он представляет
собой классическое оборонительное сооружение, построенное в стиле
В нем причудливо смешались мавританский стиль, готика, Ренессанс и
экзотические мотивы. Туристов привлекают его зубчатые стены и
неприступные бастионы, а также сохранившиеся на некоторых арочных
проходах средневековые барельефы. Из Лиссабона до замка можно добраться
на поезде – от вокзала Entre campos с пересадкой на станции Mira
Sintra–Melecas, и автобусах, регулярно курсирующих от станции m.Campo
Первыми постройками на территории современного замка Обидуш были
бани, основанные еще римлянами. Вторгшиеся в V веке на Пиринейский
полуостров вестготы выстроили на этом месте крепость, вокруг которой
впоследствии выросло поселение Обидуш. В начале VIII века крепость
перешла в руки арабов, которые возвели вокруг поселения стены и
превратили его в один из главных пунктов Эштремадуры. После вхождения
арабского эмирата в состав Португалии в XIII веке, замок был расширен и
приобрел тот вид, в котором он известен и сегодня. В XV-XVII веках замок
Обидуш облюбовали португальские короли – он стал местом проведения
различных торжественных мероприятий. К сожалению, в XVIII веке замок
пришел в упадок и частично разрушился, чему также поспособствовало
Лиссабонское землетрясение. В 1950 году замок стал принимать гостей –
здесь открылась первая в Португалии историческая гостиница.
В Обидуше проводится Средневековая ярмарка, атмосфера которой
завораживает. Здесь можно увидеть жонглера факелами и девочку,
балансирующую на канате, глашатая, объявляющего о рыцарском турнире и
художника, расписывающего посуду. Еще одно мероприятие, которое
обязательно стоит посетить сладкоежкам, оказавшимся в городе в ноябре –
Международный фестиваль шоколада.
Основные городские достопримечательности – церковь Санта-Мария, в которой венчались властители страны, церковь Сан-Педро, где похоронена Жозев де Обидуш, известная португальская художница, трехкилометровый акведук, построенный в XVI веке, городские ворота, украшенные панно из азулежу.
Fortress Obidush – the historical and architectural monument located in the fortified city of the district of the same name of Leyriya in Portugal. It represents the classical defensive works constructed in style manuelino.
In it Mauritian style, a gothic style, the Renaissance and exotic motives fancifully mixed up. Tourists are attracted by its gear walls and unapproachable bastions, and also medieval bas-reliefs which remained on some arch passes. From Lisbon it is possible to reach the lock by train – from the station of Entre campos with change at Mira Sintra-Melecas station, and the buses which are regularly plying from m.Campo Grande station.
The baths based still by Romans were the first constructions in the territory of the modern lock Obidush. The vestgota which intruded in the V century to the Iberian Peninsula built the fortress round which the settlement of Obidush grew subsequently on this place. At the beginning of the VIII century fortress passed to Arabs who put up walls round the settlement and turned it into one of the main points of Eshtremadura. After entry of the Arab emirate into structure of Portugal in the XIII century, the lock was expanded and took that form in which it is known and today. In the XV-XVII centuries the lock Obidush was chosen by the Portuguese kings – it became a venue of various festive events. Unfortunately, in the XVIII century the lock fell into decay and partially collapsed that was also promoted by the Lisbon earthquake. In 1950 the lock began to receive guests – the Portugal's first historical hotel opened here.
Medieval fair which atmosphere bewitches is carried out to Obidushe. Here it is possible to see the juggler torches and the girl balancing on a rope, the herald declaring knightly tournament and the artist painting ware. One more action which surely should visit the sweet teeth who appeared in the city in November – the International festival of chocolate.
The main city sights – the Santa Maria church in which masters of the country, San Pedro's church where it is buried Zhozev de Obidouche, the famous Portuguese artist, the three-kilometer aqueduct constructed in the XVI century, the city gate decorated with a panel from an azulezha got married.



Основные городские достопримечательности – церковь Санта-Мария, в которой венчались властители страны, церковь Сан-Педро, где похоронена Жозев де Обидуш, известная португальская художница, трехкилометровый акведук, построенный в XVI веке, городские ворота, украшенные панно из азулежу.

In it Mauritian style, a gothic style, the Renaissance and exotic motives fancifully mixed up. Tourists are attracted by its gear walls and unapproachable bastions, and also medieval bas-reliefs which remained on some arch passes. From Lisbon it is possible to reach the lock by train – from the station of Entre campos with change at Mira Sintra-Melecas station, and the buses which are regularly plying from m.Campo Grande station.
The baths based still by Romans were the first constructions in the territory of the modern lock Obidush. The vestgota which intruded in the V century to the Iberian Peninsula built the fortress round which the settlement of Obidush grew subsequently on this place. At the beginning of the VIII century fortress passed to Arabs who put up walls round the settlement and turned it into one of the main points of Eshtremadura. After entry of the Arab emirate into structure of Portugal in the XIII century, the lock was expanded and took that form in which it is known and today. In the XV-XVII centuries the lock Obidush was chosen by the Portuguese kings – it became a venue of various festive events. Unfortunately, in the XVIII century the lock fell into decay and partially collapsed that was also promoted by the Lisbon earthquake. In 1950 the lock began to receive guests – the Portugal's first historical hotel opened here.
Medieval fair which atmosphere bewitches is carried out to Obidushe. Here it is possible to see the juggler torches and the girl balancing on a rope, the herald declaring knightly tournament and the artist painting ware. One more action which surely should visit the sweet teeth who appeared in the city in November – the International festival of chocolate.
The main city sights – the Santa Maria church in which masters of the country, San Pedro's church where it is buried Zhozev de Obidouche, the famous Portuguese artist, the three-kilometer aqueduct constructed in the XVI century, the city gate decorated with a panel from an azulezha got married.
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