Первое упоминание о необычной церкви внутри дуба датируется 1696 г.
Когда однажды дерево засверкало ярким огнем, служители аббатства
вдохновенно решили прославить Бога, и устроили внутри молитвенную
часовню, которую назвали именем Девы Марии. Аббат Дютруа и отец Дю Серон
пригласили местных ребятишек расширить внутреннюю полость дуба,
заплатив им по одной золотой монете. Получилась небольшая комнатка 1,75 в
длину и 1,17 в ширину. На вершине ствола была устроена колокольня,
которая до наших дней не сохранилась. Позднее отец Серон переселился в
дубовую келью над часовней, где помещалась кровать для невысокого
человека. Так над основной часовней Марии появилась еще одна – часовня
Отшельника или часовня Крестных Мучений. Во времена французских
революций дуб несколько раз пытались сжечь, но дерево-церковь до сих пор
живо, и даже приносит плоды. Верующие усматривают в этом Божье
провидение. Они говорят, что рядом с дубовой часовней произошло немало
чудес и знамений. Точно определить возраст дерева сегодня трудно. Ученые
говорят, что ему примерно 800 – 1000 лет. Это старейшее дерево Франции.
Жители селения Алувиль-Белефос с любовью берегут необычную церквушку.
The first mention of unusual church in an oak is dated 1696. When once the tree began to sparkle bright fire, attendants of abbey with inspiration decided to glorify God, and arranged inside a prayful chapel which called by the name of Virgin Mary. The abbey Dyutrua and the father Du Seron invited local children to expand an internal cavity of an oak, having paid them on one gold coin. The small room turned out 1,75 in length and 1,17 in width. At top of a trunk the belltower which didn't remain up to now was arranged. Later the father Seron moved in an oak cell over a chapel where the bed for the low person was located. So over the main chapel of Maria there was one more – a chapel of the Eremite or a chapel of God Tortures. At the time of the French revolutions the oak was tried to be burned several times, but the tree church is still live, and even bears fruits. Believers see in it the God's foresight. They say that near an oak chapel there were many miracles and signs. Precisely it is difficult to define age of a tree today. Scientists say that he is about 800 - 1000 years old. This oldest tree of France. Residents of the settlement Aluvil-Belefos with love protect an unusual churchlet.
The first mention of unusual church in an oak is dated 1696. When once the tree began to sparkle bright fire, attendants of abbey with inspiration decided to glorify God, and arranged inside a prayful chapel which called by the name of Virgin Mary. The abbey Dyutrua and the father Du Seron invited local children to expand an internal cavity of an oak, having paid them on one gold coin. The small room turned out 1,75 in length and 1,17 in width. At top of a trunk the belltower which didn't remain up to now was arranged. Later the father Seron moved in an oak cell over a chapel where the bed for the low person was located. So over the main chapel of Maria there was one more – a chapel of the Eremite or a chapel of God Tortures. At the time of the French revolutions the oak was tried to be burned several times, but the tree church is still live, and even bears fruits. Believers see in it the God's foresight. They say that near an oak chapel there were many miracles and signs. Precisely it is difficult to define age of a tree today. Scientists say that he is about 800 - 1000 years old. This oldest tree of France. Residents of the settlement Aluvil-Belefos with love protect an unusual churchlet.
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