После принятия в 1999 году постановления Кабинета Министров Украины, включающего Одесский Спасо-Преображенский собор в Программу восстановления выдающихся утраченных памятников истории и культуры Украины, собор начинают восстанавливать, и на Рождество Христово 2001 года состоялось торжественное открытие колокольни 2 сентября 2004 года провели торжественное открытие мозаичной иконы Христа Вседержителя на Престоле на восточном фасаде собора и открыли Филатовский фонтан на Соборной площади. Через год состоялось освящение нижнего храма Одесского Спасо-Преображенского Собора в честь святителя Иннокентия Одесского чудотворца. В этом же году останки супругов Воронцовых были перенесены в собор. На перезахоронение, в мельчайших деталях повторяющее похороны графа (шествие проследовало от дворца губернатора до собора), собралось около десяти тысяч одесситов, желающих выразить почтение генерал-губернатору, сделавшему много добрых дел на благо и во славу города. Огромное внимание вызвало у православных одесситов и другое важное в жизни Спасо-Преображенского собора событие: 7 июля 2007 года в его нижний храм были перезахоронены честные мощи святителя Иннокентия Одесского.
In August, 1794, during solemn consecration of Odessa, on the main city square (Cathedral square) personally the metropolitan Gabriel consecrated a site of church in honor of Nicholas The Wonderworker, and in a year the first stone is put. Constructed soon (in 1804) Church of the Transfiguration also became the progenitress of future cathedral. The Odessa Cathedral Transfiguration Cathedral In 1908 orthodox Christians widely noted century of Spaso-Transfiguration Cathedral - one of the largest cathedrals of Russia. Anybody then couldn't assume that in nine years other calendar will begin: after coming to power of Bolsheviks church values were withdrawn, and in May, 1937 to fate the temple was blown up. The remains of the former archbishops which were based in lateral limits of the temple according to the petition of church bodies transported on the Suburban cemetery. There they lay until recently while a few years ago weren't reburied on a cemetery of the Sacred and Uspensky man's monastery. Over bodies of the governor of the Novorossiysk region the column of Vorontsov and his spouse, being based right there, outraged and dumped in a ditch at a wall of a city cemetery. Remains of the esteemed citizens of Odessa were secretly buried.
After acceptance in 1999 resolutions of the Cabinet of Ukraine including the Odessa Transfiguration Cathedral in the Program of restoration of the outstanding lost historical and cultural monuments of Ukraine start restoring a cathedral, and for Christmas of 2001 the ceremonial opening of a belltower took place on September 2, 2004 held a ceremonial opening of a mosaic icon of Christ Vsederzhitel on the Throne on east facade of a cathedral and opened the Filatovsky fountain on the Cathedral square. In a year consecration of the lower temple of the Odessa Transfiguration Cathedral in honor of the prelate Innokenti of the Odessa wonder-worker took place. Same year remains of spouses Vorontsov were transferred to a cathedral. On the reburial in the smallest details repeating the count's funeral (procession proceeded from the palace of the governor to a cathedral), about ten thousand inhabitants of Odessa wishing to express respect to the governor general who made many good deeds for the benefit and in glory of the city gathered. The huge attention caused in orthodox inhabitants of Odessa and another an important event in Transfiguration Cathedral life: On July 7, 2007 to its lower temple honest relics of the prelate Innokenti Odessky were reburied.
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