Блок 2 предоставляет максимальный выбор мебели и товаров для дома: мягкая и корпусная мебель, сантехника, злектроника и бытовая техника, светильники, обои, ковры и множество других вещей, которые помогут обеспечить уют и комфорт в доме. В этом же блоке посетители смогут найти товары для активного отдыха и спорта, а также товары для детей. Также этот блок включает гипермаркет.
Практически каждая зона Dream Town оформлена в своем уникальном стиле. Это оформление под разные страны мира. Кроме этого в Dream Town находится уникальный по своему оформлению аквапарк Юрского периода.
Each of parts of shopping center has the thematic direction. Blok1 pleases visitors with fashionable goods and entertainments. Shops and department stores of clothes, footwear, accessories are located at the first two levels. At the third level are: a skating rink, curling, bowling, a rollerdrome, children's entertainment center, movie theater, a food court, and also numerous restaurants with summer platforms and cafe.
The block 2 provides the maximum choice of furniture and goods for the house: upholstered and cabinet furniture, bathroom equipment, a zlektronik and household appliances, lamps, wall-paper, carpets and a set of other things which will help to provide a cosiness and comfort in the house. Visitors will be able to find goods for active recreation and sport in the same block, and also goods for children. Also this block includes hypermarket.
Practically each zone Dream Town is issued in the unique style. This registration under the different countries of the world. Besides in Dream Town there is an aquapark of the Jurassic Period, unique on the registration.
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