Одна из главных достопримечательностей Люксембурга капелла Сен Кирен
находится в живописном месте долины Петрус. В 1355г рыцари тевтонского
ордена высекли в скале небольшую часовню в память о Гробе Господнем.
Внутри церквушки два помещения: для проведения богослужений (тут стоят
статуи святых Кирена, Ферреола и Фирмина, скамейки для слушателей) и
ризница (здесь переодевался священник и тут сохранились статуи святых
Веры, Надежды, Любови). У подножья капеллы бьет целебный источник,
который излечивает кожные заболевания.
One of the main sights of Luxembourg a chapel Seong Kiren is in a picturesque place of the valley Petrus. In 1355 knights of a Teutonic award cut in the rock a small chapel in memory of the Lord's Coffin. In a churchlet two rooms: for carrying out church services (there are statues sacred Cyrene, Ferreola and Firmina, benches for listeners) and a vestry (the priest changed clothes here and here Saint Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov's statues remained). At a foot of a chapel the curative source which cures skin diseases beats.
One of the main sights of Luxembourg a chapel Seong Kiren is in a picturesque place of the valley Petrus. In 1355 knights of a Teutonic award cut in the rock a small chapel in memory of the Lord's Coffin. In a churchlet two rooms: for carrying out church services (there are statues sacred Cyrene, Ferreola and Firmina, benches for listeners) and a vestry (the priest changed clothes here and here Saint Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov's statues remained). At a foot of a chapel the curative source which cures skin diseases beats.
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