Музей «Васа» – это уникальный и самый посещаемый музей Скандинавии. Он
предлагает вниманию туристов древний корабль, сохранившийся в
превосходном состоянии с 1628 года.

Расположенный на острове Юргорден в Швеции,
музей «Васа» представляет собой бесценное сокровище и туристическую
достопримечательность мирового масштаба. Уникален не только сам галеон,
состоящий из оригинальных частей и украшенный сотнями великолепных
резных фигур. По-настоящему интересна и история этого военного корабля,
единственного сохранившегося в целости с далекого XVII столетия.




Галеон был построен в 1628 году на верфи Стокгольма
под руководством опытного голландского судостроителя Хенрика
Хюбертссона. В процессе создания одного из самых величественных на тот
момент кораблей в мире было задействовано около 400 человек: плотников,
художников, стекольщиков, скульпторов, кузнецов и многих других. Размеры
«Васа» составляли 69 метров от носа до кормы и 52 метра – от киля до
верхушки мачты; вес – порядка 1200 тонн. Галеон был оснащен тремя
мачтами и мог одновременно нести десять парусов. Ему предназначалось
быть одним из ведущих кораблей королевского флота.

В день первого выхода «Васа» в море – 10 августа 1628 года – ничего
не предвещало беды. Сотни зрителей собрались полюбоваться спуском на
воду. К всеобщему ужасу могучий корабль затонул, не выйдя из гавани.
Исследователь Андерс Франзен обнаружил затонувший галеон в 1956 году.
Спустя пять лет корабль и все находившиеся на нем предметы были подняты
на поверхность. В течение полувека «Васа» аккуратно, тщательно
реставрировался. Сегодня это эксклюзивный экспонат, представляющий
высокую художественную ценность. Кроме него, в музее расположены
несколько выставок, кинозалы и тематический сувенирный магазин.
The museum "Vaasa" is the unique and most visited museum of Scandinavia. He brings to attention of tourists the ancient ship which remained in an excellent state since 1628.
Yurgorden located on the island in Sweden, the museum "Vaasa" represents invaluable treasure and global tourist sight. It is unique not only the galleon consisting of original parts and decorated with hundreds of magnificent carved figures. Also the history of this warship, the only thing preserved since far XVII century is rather interesting.
The galleon was constructed in 1628 on shipyard of Stockholm under the leadership of the skilled Dutch shipbuilder Henrik Hyubertsson. In the course of creation of one of the most majestic at that time of the ships about 400 people were involved in the world: carpenters, artists, glaziers, sculptors, smiths and many others. The Vaasa sizes made 69 meters from a nose to a stern and 52 meters – from Kiel to a mast top; weight – about 1200 tons. The galleon was equipped with three masts and could carry ten sails at the same time. To it intended to be one of the leading ships of royal fleet.
In day of the first exit of "Vaasa" in the sea – on August 10, 1628 – portended nothing trouble. Hundreds of audience were going to admire descent to water. To general horror the mighty ship sank, without having heaved out of the harbor.
The researcher Anders Franzen found the sunk galleon in 1956. Five years later the ship and all subjects which were by it were lifted on a surface. During half a century of "Vaasa" it is accurate, it was carefully restored. Today it is the exclusive exhibit which is of high art value. Except it, in the museum some exhibitions, cinema halls and thematic gift shop are located.










The museum "Vaasa" is the unique and most visited museum of Scandinavia. He brings to attention of tourists the ancient ship which remained in an excellent state since 1628.
Yurgorden located on the island in Sweden, the museum "Vaasa" represents invaluable treasure and global tourist sight. It is unique not only the galleon consisting of original parts and decorated with hundreds of magnificent carved figures. Also the history of this warship, the only thing preserved since far XVII century is rather interesting.
The galleon was constructed in 1628 on shipyard of Stockholm under the leadership of the skilled Dutch shipbuilder Henrik Hyubertsson. In the course of creation of one of the most majestic at that time of the ships about 400 people were involved in the world: carpenters, artists, glaziers, sculptors, smiths and many others. The Vaasa sizes made 69 meters from a nose to a stern and 52 meters – from Kiel to a mast top; weight – about 1200 tons. The galleon was equipped with three masts and could carry ten sails at the same time. To it intended to be one of the leading ships of royal fleet.
In day of the first exit of "Vaasa" in the sea – on August 10, 1628 – portended nothing trouble. Hundreds of audience were going to admire descent to water. To general horror the mighty ship sank, without having heaved out of the harbor.
The researcher Anders Franzen found the sunk galleon in 1956. Five years later the ship and all subjects which were by it were lifted on a surface. During half a century of "Vaasa" it is accurate, it was carefully restored. Today it is the exclusive exhibit which is of high art value. Except it, in the museum some exhibitions, cinema halls and thematic gift shop are located.
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